Various Bully Types
Following are the most common bully types.
1. Physical bullying
- Hitting, kicking, pushing, spitting, intimidating
- Snatching, stealing, hiding, breaking or spoiling belongings of others
- Making others do things they don't want to do
2. Verbal Bullying
- Name-calling, humiliating, teasing, ridiculing, insulting
- Sarcasm, making fun beyond a point
- Saying or writing nasty things about others
3. Non-Verbal Bullying
- Making offending gestures
- Mimicking the physical activity, disability or postures of others
4. Social bullying
- Refusing to talk to victim
- Spreading rumors about someone
- Making someone behave in a manner he doesn't want to behave
- making someone feel uncomfortable or scared
- leaving someone out of group activities
5. Sexual bullying
- Vulgar remarks and gestures
- unwanted physical contact
6. Cyber bullying
- mobile phones
- e-mails
- websites
- cameras
or any other gadgets to hurt others by sending unpleasant messages, photos or clips.
All forms of bullying severely damage the victim emotionally. Most of the times a bully mixes more than one of these bully types.
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